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No New Posts Malfoy Manor

Located in Wiltshire England. The gravel driveway to the manor house is wide and has a large hedge curving alongside it. The driveway and hedge go past a pair of wrought-iron gates. These gates permit select individuals to pass through them as if they are smoke, and with others the iron contorts into a face with demands the purpose of the person trying to enter the manor. The yew hedge is known to have albino peacocks roving along the top of it.

read more about the manor here

Moderators: Lakin!, Caitie!

2 6 Brilliant white feathers [Mother and Son]
by Draco Malfoy
Sept 27, 2012 14:55:00 GMT -5
No New Posts Potter Cottage

A large, two-story home in Godric's Hollow in West Country, England, the Potter cottage is tucked in the center of low, ivy-hugged stone walls and a decent, if modest, front garden. Carefully tended to morning glories trail up in an arch around the top of the front door. Harry's "room" is the attic, which he and James refurnished before he started school at Hogwarts to be liveably comfortable.

read more here

Moderators: Lakin!, Caitie!

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No New Posts Rattagin Cottage

A small two story cottage that has enough room to hold the permanent residents of Geminus, his father and his brother. It also has a guest room for when family members/friends come to visit. It is located just outside of the Muggle parish village of Abbotsbury. The cottage stands alone on on a cliff overlooking the Jurassic Shore and the English Channel. The walls are embedded with sea shells. Whenever it's quite, you can hear the sounds of the waves crashing against the shore, and whenever you're outside, you can see the English Channel stretching for miles on end, and can feel the sea spay on your face and smell the sea salt in the air. On dark and stormy days, mist and fog will descend over the entire cliff and sea, and you can't see past your own face.

Moderators: Lakin!, Caitie!

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No New Posts The Burrow

The house is located on the outskirts of Ottery St Catchpole, very well hidden by rolling hills and picturesque meadows. Originally a pigpen alongside a tutor house (where this structure went is unknown) it has several stories attached with four to five chimneys dotting the roof. The house's added on floors are so wonky and unstable that it is only livable due to the fact that it is held up mostly by magic. There is a small garage up the front drive with a sign reading 'The Burrow' near the main entrance. There is a small outhouse in the spacious backyard that poses as the Weasley children's broom shed. An overgrown garden with a frog pond can be located in their backyard, and further out an orchard where the children often practice their quidditch while they are home.

Moderators: Lakin!, Caitie!

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Homes of England

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Homes of England
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